Paradoxy Malé Strany-1 (Číslo kurzu: B008-1)
Zaujal vás tento kurz? Potom si prosím rezervujte místo.
Pokud přijdete bez rezervace, může se stát, že kurz byl zrušený (protože i ostatní rezervaci odkládali a nepřihlásilo se dost účastníků) nebo se na něj nedostanete, protože je plno. Pokud vás tedy kurz zajímá, nic neodkládejte a přihlaste se hned.
Online rezervace nejsou k dispozici pro tuto událost.
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Místo konání
Warning: Undefined variable $location in /data/www/wp-content/themes/project/plugins/events-manager/templates/event-single.php on line 115
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /data/www/wp-content/themes/project/plugins/events-manager/templates/event-single.php on line 115
Warning: Undefined variable $location in /data/www/wp-content/themes/project/plugins/events-manager/templates/event-single.php on line 116
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /data/www/wp-content/themes/project/plugins/events-manager/templates/event-single.php on line 116
Warning: Undefined variable $location in /data/www/wp-content/themes/project/plugins/events-manager/templates/event-single.php on line 117
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /data/www/wp-content/themes/project/plugins/events-manager/templates/event-single.php on line 117
Warning: Undefined variable $location in /data/www/wp-content/themes/project/plugins/events-manager/templates/event-single.php on line 118
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /data/www/wp-content/themes/project/plugins/events-manager/templates/event-single.php on line 118
Warning: Undefined variable $location in /data/www/wp-content/themes/project/plugins/events-manager/templates/event-single.php on line 122
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /data/www/wp-content/themes/project/plugins/events-manager/templates/event-single.php on line 122
Warning: Undefined variable $latitude in /data/www/wp-content/themes/project/plugins/events-manager/templates/event-single.php on line 134
Termín a čas
Warning: Undefined array key 2 in /data/www/wp-content/themes/project/plugins/events-manager/templates/event-single.php on line 168
Warning: Undefined array key 1 in /data/www/wp-content/themes/project/plugins/events-manager/templates/event-single.php on line 168
Warning: Undefined array key -1 in /data/www/wp-content/themes/project/functions.php on line 252
10. 09. 2021. , 10:00 - 12:30